
9 Foods You Should Never Feed Your Dog!

1. Avocados

Although avocados are delicious and make for a yummy sandwich, they are a big no-no for your dog. This is because they contain a toxin called persin, which can wreak havoc on your dog’s lungs and chest. However, avocados are good for your health thanks to the omega fatty acids they have to offer.

Keep your dog away from all parts of the avocado- the fruit, bark, leaves, and pit. All of them contain the same toxin that can make your dog very sick if they eat it. If your dog eats any of these parts, they might experience fluid accumulation in their chest and lungs. This fluid accumulation makes it hard for your dog to breathe, causing oxygen deprivation and eventual death.

Although fatalities often arise from complications related to fluids building up in their heart and abdomen – especially their pancreas – your fur baby can stay safe by keeping avocados out of their reach. After all, who knows what could happen if they got their paws on that slippery pit?