
8 Life Threatening Fruits And Veggies Your Dog Should NEVER Eat

We have been taught since young that eating vegetables and fruits everyday is healthy for us and prevent us from heart diseases and cancers. As such, we often apply the same theory to your dog. However, do you know that there are fruits and vegetables that are life threatening to your dogs?

fruits and veggies your dog should never eat

1. Apples

There is a popular saying which goes “An apple a day, keeps the doctor away”. Shockingly, this is contrary when applies to dogs.

Apples are not dangerous to dogs but apple cores are toxic to dogs as they contain a natural chemical (amygdlin) that releases cyanogenic glycosides which is also known as cyanide.

If a large amount was eaten and the seeds are consumed by dogs, it can result in dizziness, seizures, hyperventilation and even coma. As a result, to play safe, please ensure that to remove the core and seeds of apples before feeding.

2. Avocado

Avocadoes contain a substance called persin which is harmless to humans but are toxic to dogs. Persin can be found from avocado leaves, bark to the seed and fruits.

If consumed in large quantity, dogs may have difficulty in breathing, vomiting, diarrhea, pancreatitis and fluid buildup in the chest. When avocadoes seeds are accidentally consumed, this can lead to obstructions of the gastrointestinal tract which results in oxygen deprivation and even death.

3. Garlic & Onions

Whether to feed dogs garlic and onions have always been a controversial question. If fed in small quantities, garlic being a natural antibiotics is beneficial to dogs.

Despite that, if onion and garlics (in dried, fresh and powdered form) are consumed by dogs in large quantities, they can cause anemia and stomach upset due to destruction of red blood cells.

Symptoms which may occurs can range from vomiting, diarrhoea, lethargy to eratic heartbeat and can even cause permanent damage to the kidneys and possibly even death.

4. Grapes & Raisins

Grapes and raisins are life threatening to dogs because they can cause kidney failure.

Even though it is unknown what components in grapes that are so toxic to dogs, but even just a small amount is enough to make dogs ill.

When consumed, dogs will develop repeated vomiting, diarrhoea followed by lethargic and depression within the day itself. After which, dehydration and lack of appetite are common symptoms and death from kidney failure may occur within three to four days.

6. Mushrooms

Some wild mushrooms are very dangerous to dogs as they can be poisonous and toxic.

Death cap mushrooms is the most common mushroom which results in majority of the fatal cases of poisoning in dogs thus it is safer to consider all wild mushrooms as potential threat to dogs.

Symptoms vary depending on the type of wild mushrooms digested which can include anxiety, restlessness, slowed heartbeat, nervous system abnormalities and can even cause seizure and coma.

7. Persimmons, Peaches and Plums

The reason why persimmons, peaches and plums are life threatening lies with their seeds or pits.

The seeds of persimmons as well as pits of peaches and plums can clause small intestine’s inflammation in dogs and even intestinal obstructions.

In addition, peaches and plums pits contain cyanide which is poisonous to both humans and dogs.

8. Potatoes (Green)

Green potatoes are hazardous because of solanum alkaloids that can cause solanine poisoning.

When consumed by dogs, this can results in nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, stomach cramps, headache and dizziness.

Besides green potatoes, raw potatoes also contain oxalates which can cause nervous system abnormalities, kidney and digestive track abnormalities in dogs.

9. Tomatoes

Vines, stems and leaves of tomatoes contain a harmful alkaloid called atropine (tomatine poisioning) which is life threatening when eaten.

Although un-ripened tomatoes are not as toxic as ripened tomatoes, they can still cause diarrhoea and stomach upset.

If dogs accidentally consume the vines, stems or leaves of tomatoes, they can have tremors, seizures and even heart arrhythmia or paralysis which is very dangerous to them.

So What Are Safe for dogs to eat?

So this brings the question of what fruits and vegetables are safe for our dogs.

Slices of apples (with core and seeds removed), oranges, bananas and watermelons are not only tasty but healthy for our dogs. Always ensure to remove any seeds, stems, leaves, pits of all fruits and vegetables prior to feeding your dogs to prevent any potential problems.

As a preventive measure in case if your dog swallow something it shouldn’t, always keep the numbers of your nearest vet, emergency clinic and always contact your vet or seek for emergency help if you suspect your dog have consumed something toxic.