
9 Foods You Should Never Feed Your Dog!

6. Alcohol

dog food

Our beloved dogs are just like family members, and of course, we would never even think about getting them drunk. But alcohol exists in things we wouldn’t realize. Try mouthwash, perfume, paint and cleaning products. Make sure they’re out of your dog’s reach. Even the slightest amount can be deadly. Mild symptoms include vomiting, lack of muscle coordination, and poor breathing.

However, if your dog consumes too much alcohol, it can lead to seizures, lung failure, and ultimately death. According to experts, 8 milliliters of 100% alcohol per kilogram is enough to cause death within 12 to 24 hours. Although alcohol poisoning usually occurs accidentally, one particularly horrifying incident has left everyone shaken. A dog ate a large number of rotten apples and passed away from alcohol poisoning.