
9 Foods You Should Never Feed Your Dog!

3. Raisins & Grapes

In short, never ever feed your dog raisins and grapes. Not even a few. They are extremely toxic for dogs and can cause rapid kidney failure. Even a small amount can send your dog to the ER. In fact, there has been a study to review 180 reports. Revelations have been startling. Some dogs died after they ate just a handful of raisins. It doesn’t matter whether they eat them raw, or get them from baked goodies like raisin cookies. They’re both forms of lethal poison.

If you have breakfast cereals that contain grapes or raisins, be sure to keep them out of reach of your dog. If your dog does happen to eat any of these, watch out for signs of distress, such as vomiting, diarrhea, and fatigue. Excessive thirst and little pee can be signs of kidney failure, so contact your vet immediately if you notice any of these symptoms.