
Harmful Things You May Be Doing to Your Dog Without Realizing It

On some occasions, dogs are not afraid to express their feelings. On other occasions, dogs will keep their feelings hidden, not letting on that anything is wrong.

If you’re a dog owner, you want your pet to be healthy and live a long and happy life. But sometimes we may do things that can potentially harm our furry family members without even realizing it. Dogs are curious, adventurous and often behave like small children which can occasionally get them into trouble. In this article, we want to explore a few of these common mistakes so that you can avoid these incidents in the future and keep your furry friend safe.

dog harness,royal canin puppy,dog car seat

At waruit, we love big dogs and understand that they are a part of the family. Let’s go over the points we selected to be sure that we know what to avoid when it comes to keeping our furry friends safe and healthy.

So, moving on to the next page, we’ll explore twelve things that many people do that their pets hate. If you’re doing one of these, you may notice your dog acting up or not being himself. Make sure you’re not aggravating your dog unknowingly – especially if you’re familiar with No. 6 on the list!

1. Choosing the wrong collar

There are many factors to consider when choosing between a collar or harness for your pet. Which option is best depends on your pet’s personality and habits? For example, if your pet likes to pull or explore, a harness might be a better option than a collar. Collars can be dangerous if your pet pulls too hard, so it’s important to get the right size for your pet.

If the collar/harness is too big, the dog may escape. If the collar/harness is too small, it could be squishing the dog’s neck. The general rule is, for small and medium-size dogs, you should be able to fit one finger between the collar/harness and the dog. For large and extra-large dogs, you should be able to fit two fingers between the collar/harness and the dog.

2. Leaving a dog alone in the car

Leaving your dog in the car can be deadly. According to research, the temperature inside a car can increase by 20 degrees in just 10 minutes, even if the car is parked in the shade. Dogs don’t sweat like people and overheating can happen much quicker than you expect, so never leave your dog in the car.

What if you could experience the heat of the car without even being in it? Your dog feels the heat even more than you do and can get heatstroke much faster. The best way to avoid this is to NEVER leave your dog in the car. Even if you don’t think it’s hot, it’s not worth the risk.

3. Neglecting your dog’s teeth

Dogs have teeth just like we do- and just like us, their teeth need to be brushed! It’s important to start brushing your pup’s teeth as soon as you get them so they get used to it. Some owners think that giving their dog chewing sticks can replace regular brushing, but that’s not true- those sticks can’t clean the back teeth as well as a brush can.

There are toothpaste and toothbrushes made specifically for humans, and then there are those made specifically for dogs. While the ingredients and purposes may be different, both types of cleaning tools can be found at your veterinarian’s office.

4. Letting your dog eat everything

Although human food may taste great to us, it’s not as enjoyable for dogs. In fact, many human foods are toxic for them. So, it’s important to never feed your dog any table scraps from your meal. This will help to keep them safe and healthy. This is a list of human foods that should not be fed to dogs. It’s important to avoid feeding your dog any of these, as some of them can lead to serious health problems.

Why Does My Dog Eat Everything?|

The term for eating non-edible objects for humans and animals is Pica. Dogs with pica practically have a compulsive urge to eat non-digestible items including rocks, dirt, and sticks. Some believe that animals with pica might be missing essential minerals or other nutrients in their diet.

5. Bringing puppies to a dog park

Dogs are social animals that enjoy spending time with their pack. However, before taking your small puppy to a dog park, think twice. Dogs can be passive carriers of diseases, and grown-up dogs can be very rough when playing. They may accidentally scare or hurt your puppy. Moreover, small dogs are not suitable for large dogs. They may become dinner for a large dog.

If you decide to take your puppy to the dog park, never leave him alone.

Also, a well-sized dog park can physically tire out your dog on a good day, but the visit won’t actually provide your dog with the kind of enriching mental and emotional stimulation that dogs need. Dog parks, unfortunately, are often more about humans than they are about dogs.

6. Using physical punishment

Yes, dogs should be disciplined but there are better ways to do it than physical punishment. First of all, it’s animal abuse. Secondly, it simply won’t work and all you achieve is making sure your dog is scared of you. Reward-based training is much more effective than physical discipline.

If your dog exhibits naughty behaviors frequently, consider enrolling it in obedience school.

7. A lack of stimulation

Dogs need constant stimulation to be healthy and happy. This can come in the form of physical activity, like regular walks, and mental stimulation, like playing games or learning new tricks. Before you decide to get a dog, be sure to consider how you will provide this stimulation and whether your family is ready to commit to regular walks.

Dogs need more than just exercise – they need to be exposed to different sounds and smells to keep their brains active and healthy. Without enough stimulation, dogs may resort to destructive activities like digging, chewing, and tearing things apart to keep themselves entertained.

8. Not securing your dog in the car

No matter where you’re going, if your furry friend comes along for the ride, the journey is instantly more fun. But when you’re driving with your dog, it’s important to make sure they’re safe and comfortable, just like any other family member.

The use of seat belts for both children and dogs is important for safety reasons. In the event of an accident, both can be seriously injured if not properly secured. There are a few ways to safely secure your dog in the car, find the one that works best for you. Place a harness on your dog, as this will fit more securely than a collar. This way if the dog were to lunge forward, they would not be able to get away and get seriously injured.

9. Yelling when your dog does something wrong

Using your voice to discipline your dog is ineffective and can actually backfire. Rather than yelling, try using a calm and assertive voice to communicate with your pet. This will help your dog understand what you expect from them and avoid any confusion. As you begin training your pet to learn voice commands, keep in mind that it takes time. When first teaching them a new command, repeat the command over and over again in a very patient and assertive tone.

10. Skipping flea, tick, and worming treatment

The best way to protect your dog from fleas, ticks, worms, and heartworm is by ensuring they receive regular preventive treatment. Your dog should be tested for heartworm at least once a year. Fleas and ticks can also be an issue in summer, so it is important to keep your dog free of these parasites as well.

“When you take your dog to the vet, you are not only making sure they stay healthy, but you are also protecting them from environmental hazards.”

While you may be able to take a break from treatment during winter if you live in a cold climate, it’s always best to discuss your plans with your veterinarian. If you’re away for an extended period of time, you may want to consider bringing your dog with you or enlisting the help of a pet sitter.

11. Leaving harmful objects around

Dogs are always getting themselves into all sorts of shenanigans, but by making your house dog-friendly, you can help to keep them out of trouble. Make sure to put away anything your pet could potentially chew or swallow, like medication, nails, batteries, and socks. If you have a dog that chews shoes, try to keep shoes off the floor. If your dog is a jumper, leave the cushions on the couch. And make sure not to have any hidden food or trash lying around.

Believe it or not, also socks are a favorite toy for many dogs, but just keep in mind that if they swallow them, they could get stuck in their throat.

12. Neglecting breed-specific health issues

If you’re not sure if your dog breed needs specific care of their coat or skin or regular grooming, don’t worry! There are plenty of dog breeds that don’t require any extra grooming and are healthy overall. However, some dog breeds may have a predisposition to certain health issues, so it’s important to be aware of the symptoms and always keep an eye out. Some dog breeds are also at a higher risk of certain illnesses and issues.


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