

The experience of owning a dog can be extremely rewarding. You can get even more out of that time spent at home with your pet, though, if you know these hacks. That’s right — we’ve compiled 10 tricks that will have them wagging their tails in no time. Trust us, they’re totally awesome!


When caring for your pet, it’s important to keep their coat clean and healthy. Grooming is a great way to do this. You can groom your pet at home, too! This article will walk you through some tips and tricks on how to groom your pet with ease. They will also help us get closer to them.

With these 10 pet care hacks, you can provide your four-legged friend with a healthier and happier life. These simple tricks will make your job as a pet owner easier while ensuring that your furry companion gets the best care possible.

1. Dry Sheet for Picking up Dog Hair.

Dry Sheet for Picking up Dog Hair.

Tired of picking up dog hair all over the house? Plush pounce is the answer! One way to make it easier for yourself is by using a clever trick. This product can be applied to furniture, clothes, and other fabric surfaces to stop the unwanted pet hairs from sticking. The best hack for getting rid of pet hair is to use dryer sheets. They can pick up stray dog hair on cloth that’s hard to reach.

Every time your pet sheds all over your furniture, take a dryer sheet and wipe it across the fabric. All of their hair will stick to it! It’s as easy as that.

2. Baking Soda Makes the Pee Smell Go Away.

2. Baking Soda Makes the Pee Smell Go Away.

When our new puppy forgets where to “go” after he pees, he might urinate on the carpet. There are two ways to get rid of that unpleasant smell. First, clean up the pee right away. Second, get a room deodorizer that will mask the smell of the dog pee in the air.

For the baking soda to work, we must first make sure the surface has been wiped. Then, after 20 minutes, we can vacuum it up — if the baking soda is still active.

3. Packing Tape Handy for Picking Up Loose Pet Fur.

Dogs are so fun to pet! But what about when they leave behind their hair, and it ends up all over your clothes? With packing tape, you can use it as a quick hack to remove dog hair from your outfit. This way, you can spend less time cleaning your clothes and more time with the pup.

One of our favorite tricks is to use packing tape instead of petting and brushing the dog hair off your clothes. It saves you time, and it’s a lot less exhausting.

4. Turn Old Clothes into Tug Toys.

6. Turn Old Clothes into Tug Toys

Your pet deserves a tug toy as much as any other animal. Unfortunately, these toys can be expensive. Luckily, you don’t have to buy these toys! There are many ways to create your own with old t-shirts or other materials.

There are many ways you can re-purpose an old t-shirt. For instance, your pet might find it to be a perfect tug toy. It’s cheaper and more efficient than buying a toy, and your pet will love the homemade material.

5. Simple Frozen Dog Treats to Make.

They say dogs are man’s best friend for a reason. And they’re not just loyal, they’re also loyal eaters. So when it comes to what you serve them, give your pets the treats that are most special to them. Here are a few recipes for frozen dog treats at home that you can make with your favorite snacks like bananas, peanut butter, and cheese. Simply freeze these ingredients in small containers, cut them up, and store in the fridge.

We’re making ice cream for our pups! All we need is some ice and broth, but they are going to love it.

6. Food Dispensing Toy for Fast Eaters.

Food Dispensing

We know too many of our pup pals gobble their food down too quickly. And that can be bad. If they eat too fast, it can make them sick. One way to solve the problem is to buy a toy that dispenses food to distract them.

If you’re looking for a way to keep your four-legged friends occupied, try tennis balls. They can slow down their eating and also provide an excellent mental workout. This is the perfect solution for both their minds and bodies.

7. Front Clip Harness for a Fun Run.

Front Clip Harness for a Fun Run.

Hey! Our dog pulls on their leash when we go for walks in their harness. How can we make it stop? The best solution is to buy a front-clip harness, which will stop your dog from walking in front of you and pulling you along.

In order to teach a dog to walk with a loose leash, we can swap out the retractable leash for a normal 6-foot leash. The dog will experience what it’s like to walk with less restriction, which can help them learn.

8. Microchip Works as a Permanent Identifier.


It can be daunting to let our cats and dogs go out on their own. But, we should use microchips that are attached to their bandanas or collars, so we don’t lose them, and they can enjoy the freedom to roam.

Your pet’s microchip should be registered with the company to ensure you can find them if they ever go missing. Make sure your contact information is up-to-date to make it easier for them to reach you.

9. Clicker Training Helps Mark Good Behavior.

9. Clicker Training Helps Mark Good Behavior.

Dogs and cats love praise, and we should make sure they know we noticed. To help them grow and bond, we need to praise them right when they do something nice. But if we don’t do it right away, they won’t know that we saw what they did. That’s why some people choose to carry a clicker with them or use one on their phone.

Training your dog to behave can be difficult. Fortunately, there are ways to make it easier. One is clicker training, which makes it easier to reward them for good behavior.

10. Keep Vaseline Handy for the Winter.

Winter can be a tough time for a pet owner! Many pets suffer from dry paw pads during this cold season. But there’s a solution: Paw Bums! These pads absorb moisture and keep paws from becoming dry. Some pet parents have been trying to solve the problem with Paw Bums because it keeps their dog’s paws wet.

Pets get cold just like humans do. To keep them warm during the winter months, it is essential to use petroleum jelly. It is proven to relieve dry and flaky skin, prevent cracking and bleeding, and create a more comfortable home environment.