
12 Signs Your Cat Really Loves You

Some cats enjoy spending time with their human companions and derive pleasure, safety, and comfort from these relationships. However, all cat express their happiness differently – some are more independent, while others love to be around people. In the end, cats are just like people – they have their own unique personalities.

Even though cats are often seen as mysterious and independent creatures, they still show their love for their human owners in many ways. The key to understanding your cat is to learn what their individual signals mean, and appreciate them every day.


If you’re curious where to start, here’s a list of the 12 most common signs your cat loves you. Keep in mind that they’re different for every cat, every situation and every personality. But knowing at least a few of these may help you decipher the various ways your cat is communicating with you.

1. The Intense Stare Down

cat The Intense Stare Down

When a cat stares at you for a long time, it can be unnerving. But if you look back at them with the same intensity and patience, you may find that they’re just trying to show you how much they love you. Though it may feel like they’re plotting your demise, they could be just protecting you.

Naturally, if they haven’t been fed in a while, it’s possible they may be interested in food. However, do not worry; they can be hungry and still love you. In fact, they may love you even more when they’re fed!

There are many reasons why a cat may stare, but according to leading veterinarian Dr. Martin Goldstein, cats typically stare out of curiosity, protection and affection. So, there’s no need to feel awkward. Just soak in the love.

2. Kneading Your Body

cat Kneading Your Body

Although cats may not be able to provide massages, they sure know how to work their way into your muscles when they want to. Kneading into your leg, back or arm is often called “making biscuits,” and it’s a very common way that cats show their affection.

Cats often knead anything they can get their paws on, be it a soft couch, a fuzzy blanket, or even their human’s body. Though their claws may come out in the process, this behavior is not seen as aggressive but as a way of showing affection.

3. Being Your Sleepytime Companion

cat Being Your Sleepytime Companion

Having a cat curl up next to you is a clear sign that you have a strong bond. Some cats sleep next to their guardians to make sure they’re safe and protected. But even if a cat sees itself as in charge (which, let’s be honest, is usually the case), that doesn’t mean it loves you any less. It may just mean it feels the need to protect you more.

Then again, some cats just enjoy curling up with you for no other reason than to bask in your warmth.

If a cat falls asleep on or near you, it means they think of you as a secure place and that they trust you. They also usually grow up sleeping with a group of other family members. So, now that they may not have them around, you become their chosen family.

4. Showing You Some Tummy

cat Showing You Some Tummy

Cats are often known for their amazing agility and ability to always land on their feet, but this doesn’t mean they always prefer to stay up in the air. In fact, many happy cats will show their bellies to signal trust and request affection. Of course, this behavior can vary depending on the individual cat, but most cats who show their bellies are looking for a little love and attention.

Just be aware that Whiskers may not actually want those pets in the vicinity of their belly.

The belly is a sensitive place for cats that when they show it off, they are signaling a deep trust. Unlike with dogs, however, they typically don’t want their belly rubbed. So, be careful if you go in to pet it because you may get repaw-manded. It’s likely they actually want some other affection or for you to give them treats.

5. Butting Heads and Rubbing Cheeks

cat Butting Heads and Rubbing Cheeks

One of the most adorable ways that cats show affection to other animals is by giving them a gentle head butt and rubbing cheeks. For humans who also love to get face to face with creatures they love, this is one of the sweetest acts your little kitty can do.

Cats often headbutt and rub their cheeks against their owners to create a scent that will make them feel safer. This is also a genuine, agenda-free way for cats to bond with others, though it’s typically done with other cats or animals. Cats may also do this to self-soothe when they’re feeling anxious or need a little extra relaxation.

6. Unwavering Eye Contact

cat Unwavering Eye Contact

Looking into your cat’s eyes can be a profound experience, one that can help deepen the trust and bond you share. If your cat looks back at you with unwavering confidence, it’s likely that the two of you are already very close – but even if you’re just starting out, you can expect your bond to grow stronger with each moment you spend gazing into each other’s souls.

A cat that is not interested in you or that you have not yet earned won’t maintain eye contact. If they do, you will pick up from their body language that they are likely wondering what you are up to and calculating all the means of escape in case they need to.

7. Tripping You Up

cat Tripping You Up

If you find yourself sometimes having a hard time walking around the home you share with your feline friend because they’re always weaving in and out of your legs, know that you are not alone. Although their motivations may feel sinister, it’s quite the opposite.

When a cat rubs up against you, it’s often a sign that they treasure your company. Or they want you to stop whatever you’re doing and give them your full attention. And cat owners will tell you, there’s no sense in resisting them because they usually get their way.

8. Making Sweet Purrs and Strange Gurgles

 Cats Making Noises

In addition to the common meows and purrs, cats can make all sorts of strange sounds that are sometimes confusing and hard to decipher. The more famous sounds, such as caterwauling and yowling, are typically easy to understand — i.e., if you know what to listen for!

But if you hear a cat making a strange gurgling sound, that may actually be a sign that they’re happy and enjoying your company. And they want you to know that you’re appreciated.

The various sounds that cats often make are highly dependent on their breed and personality. Some cats are much more vocal than others. But if your cat is making a prolonged purring noise, there’s a good chance it is just happy. Just be very careful that the noise your cat is making isn’t something more dangerous, like a parasite or a polyp.

9. Keeping You Clean

cat Keeping You Clean

Cats are fastidious creatures and like to keep themselves clean. However, some cats take it one step further and will also lick their human companions in order to keep them clean. While the prickly tongues of cats may seem unpleasant, they may do it for a variety of reasons, such as keeping you smelling fresh or removing unwanted food residue.

Since it’s not a natural way for them to greet strangers, grooming is often a sign that they’ve accepted you into their group.

There are many reasons why a cat might lick you – it could be out of affection, to claim you as their territory, or because they need something. While the motivations may be different depending on the cat and the situation, one thing all experts seem to agree on is that it’s usually a positive thing if you get licked by your kitty.

10. Leaving You Special Somethings

cat Leaving You Special Somethings

A cat’s hunting skills can be quite the spectacle if they want to be. Some cats enjoy giving their owners little “gifts” as a way of bonding and showing off their skills.

Although some particularly stealthy outdoor cats may actually kill something for you, most indoor cats prefer to leave you toys and items they’re done chewing.

Although cats can be complicated creatures, it’s hard to give a one-size-fits-all explanation behind their motivations for giving gifts. It could be that they are trying to show you they are pleased with you and want to make an offering. It could be that they are trying to show you how to hunt. Or it could be that, when they bring you something disgusting, they are trying to get your attention. Regardless of their motives, one thing is for sure: cats love to entertain us with their antics!

11. Tall or Twitchy Tails


Cats communicate with their tails in various ways, and each message can be interpreted differently depending on the situation. For example, if a cat approaches you with their tail held high looking like a submarine periscope, it’s usually a good sign that they’re feeling happy and confident. If their tail is high and twitching around a bit, it could indicate that they’re curious (depending, of course, on the situation).

But generally if you see a fluffy tail, you can rest assured your cat is telling you it’s happy and giving you love.

There are many interpretations to consider when it comes to a cat’s tail. In general, a cat holding its tail high or straight up is indicating that it is friendly and confident, and may even be ready to shower you with love.

12. Nursing You

cat nursing you

If you’re feeling down and not able to move, you may find that your kitty wants to give you extra love and attention. That’s a good sign that they actually do care about you, even if they may be generally more aloof. It could also mean that they like your warmth and the fact that you’re nearby all day long.

Remember, cats are independent creatures who do things on their own terms. So, if they’re taking care of you while you’re unwell, it means they really care about you.

According to a recent study, cats appear to be able to understand human physical and emotional cues. However, this doesn’t always mean they respond to them. The findings of the study showed that cats can only pick up on really subtle cues. Despite this, most cat owners would agree that their feline companions can be really intuitive of their needs, even if they don’t always show it off.