
11 Common Cat Sleeping Positions & What They Actually Mean

There are few things more adorable on this planet than a sleeping cat. Even the most mischievous cats appear like innocent little angels when they’re curled up sleeping in your laundry basket. But what do those cat sleeping positions really mean?

cat sleeping positions

There seems to be a great variety of sleeping positions for cats- far more than for humans. I’ve seen my Siberian cat Alexei in all sorts of odd places and positions, and he always looks like he’s asleep. I’m not sure how he does it, but it’s definitely impressive!

I became curious about the meanings behind cat sleeping positions. Did one position mean that my cat was feeling happy and content, while another signaled that he was feeling grumpy or restless? I wondered if I should expect my cat to take different sleeping positions depending on his mood.

So, turn the page and discover 14 positions your cat might be sleeping in to help decode their personality.

1. All Curled Up in a Furry Ball

cat toys

This position is also called the ‘crescent,’ and it is one of the most common sleeping positions for cats. One reason for this is that it helps them to maximize their body heat for added warmth. This is also a sleep position that protects their vital organs.

This is a common position for wild cats and is something that is part of their natural instinct to protect themselves while sleeping. In this position, curled-up cats often curl their back in a shape that resembles a crescent moon, and thus, the name for this position.
Your cat may also choose this position during times when they feel vulnerable. It helps them feel protected.

2. In a Cardboard Box

cat bed

Just like your kids love a good cardboard box to play with, your cat also loves to sleep in it. They offer your kitty protection from the elements and from enemies. It’s another sleeping spot that reminds your kitty of their wild ancestors.

Many cats sleep in boxes or other enclosed areas in order to feel safe and hidden from any predators or rivals that might want to pick a fight with them. If your cat is an indoor kitty, they may want to sleep in a box because they feel someone or something in the house is a threat. It might be a new pet or an old rival, but it could also be a person who is constantly trying to pet or play with your cat.

3. Belly Up

cat harness

The happiest kitty in the world is one who sleeps with its belly up in a hilariously straddled sleeping position.

This position is known as the ‘belly trap’ because it’s so hard to resist giving your kitty a pat on the tummy – which then sets off your cat’s attack reflex! It’s hard to resist this adorable position, though, because your cat is fully exposed while he gets a little shut-eye. When your cat sleeps belly up, it’s a good sign that the two of you have an excellent relationship – it shows that your cat trusts you and your home.

4. Loaf of Bread

cat wheel

Cats sleep in a variety of interesting positions, and the “loaf” is among the most common. This position is when a cat sleeps with their paws and tail tucked under them, and it looks like they form the shape of a loaf of bread. They sleep in this position because it’s extremely comfortable and keeps them warm.

Your cat’s paws don’t have fur to regulate heat, so when it’s cold they keep them tucked underneath the body to keep warm. Additionally, the loaf position can indicate that your cat is happy and relaxed, meaning they feel safe near you and trust you.

5. Eyes Half Shut

cat repellent

Did you know that your cat’s tendency to sleep with its eyes only half-closed is due to its predatory nature? This allows them to react instantly to anything that startles them. Additionally, this positioning also helps them stay aware of their surroundings and feel more comfortable.

This position can often be seen in newly adopted cats or pets living in chaotic environments with energetic children. It can be seen as an indicator that your cat is not willing to let its guard down and is still adjusting to its new surroundings.

If this is the case, make sure they have a variety of quiet and cozy places where they can curl up and relax.

6. Sleeping on you

cat collar

Whereas human beings may not always be prepared for a physical confrontation, cats are born ready to attack or defend themselves at a moment’s notice. This is because of their natural instincts, which also account for their need to cuddle up close to their owner for added security.

Many people believe that cats sleep next to or on their owners to feel safe and protected from predators. But another reason why our cats cozy up to us is that they want extreme warmth, attention, and they feel safe enough around us to be vulnerable.

7. Stretched out

feliway diffuser

When cats feel safe and comfortable, they love to sprawl out on their bellies, with their paws stretched out in front and behind them. This position indicates that they are in a deep sleep and feel very relaxed and at ease in their surrounding environment. They don’t feel threatened by anything in their surroundings.

Tip: Be careful not to disturb a cat while they are in a deep sleep, as they may become extra cranky.

8. Sleeping on their side

cat cage

Just like when a cat exposes its belly to show submission to a dominant cat, this position indicates trust and comfort. In this position, your cat is vulnerable, so it’s a clear sign that your cat feels safe and secure in your home. A cat sleeping on its side is often in a deep sleep and is likely to rest for a longer period of time than when in other positions. This is because when a cat sleeps on its side, it relaxes more fully than when it is in other positions, allowing it to get more rest.

Some cats prefer to sleep on their side because it is one of the most comfortable positions for them. This position often relaxes and calms cats, making them feel confident.

9. Paws across face

cat treats

Do you ever see your cat cover their face or head with their paws when they are sleeping? There are multiple reasons why they may favor this pose. If their paws cover their eyes, they could be blocking out the sun or a bright light in the room or trying to keep their nose warm.

When a person covers their head, it can mean that they desire privacy and do not want to be disturbed. This is because when they bury their head, they feel safe and protected, sending the message that they need some time alone to rest.

If you find your cat sleeping in this position, it’s best to leave them be. Unless you want a grumpy cat on your hands, avoid waking them up.

10. In a Kitty Pile

flea treatment for cats

In the same way that puppies sleep in piles to keep warm and safe, kittens do the same with their mother and siblings. This helps them feel more secure when sleeping, and you’ll often see them sleeping in more exposed positions when they’re in a pile with other cats.

When your cats are sleeping together, it means they have a strong bond and feel comfortable around each other. This is a good sign for the health of your relationship.

11. Contortionist

cat tree

This strange sleeping position for cats is certainly one of the weirdest around. In this pose, your cat looks like a real contortionist, with its legs sticking out in all directions, its body half hanging off the couch, and its head twisted around. It doesn’t seem like a very comfortable position for them.

Why does your cat curl up in a ball when he sleeps? Even experts are curious about this phenomenon. Some believe that this position allows cats to conserve energy, while others think that it gives them a sense of security. But the real reason why cats like to sleep in this way may never be known.

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