
10 Reasons December Birthdays Are The Best

I was born in December and to make it worse I was born on the 21st. For those of you who can’t put it together, December 21 is the shortest day of the year. I will admit as a child it was really depressing hearing that my Birthday was somehow shorter than anyone else’s. Yes, eventually I figured it out, but not until I was old enough to understand the pitfalls of just having a December Birthday in general.

10 Reasons December Birthdays Are The Best

Yes, it’s true. I did receive the combo gifts. I received the combo cards and I even remember certain years my Birthday fell on a Friday and the holiday started on my Birthday.  As I got older I realized I could manipulate the situation and having a December Birthday was not that bad.

People born in December have the right to choose any other day in the year and declare it’s their Birthday and everyone who did the combo Birthday/Christmas will feel guilty enough to agree.

2.  According to your Parents, Santa always thinks you’re extra special and he comes for your special day.

3. If you get holiday depression and you don’t like your Birthday you get them both over with at the same time.

4.  Everyone feels like drinking on your Birthday.

5. Nobody cares about calories on your Birthday.

6. You can throw an ugly sweater party then dress up because it’s your Birthday. You will always look the best dressed.

7.  When it comes to your Birthday cake, nobody is ever on a diet. Take that June Babies.

8. Because of the holiday 10, nobody mentions the 10 pounds you put on during the year.

9. Everyone decorates for your Birthday

10. If it was good enough for Jesus, it’s good enough for you!