
Foods And Hacks To Keep Your Stomach Satisfied Without Gaining Weight

Losing weight doesn’t have to mean going hungry. You can still enjoy your favorite foods without packing on the pounds, as long as you know what to eat and how to plan your meals. You’ll feel satisfied throughout the day!

low calorie filling snacks

You may be surprised to learn that you can eat dark chocolate and popcorn while maintaining your weight. You can also enjoy an egg breakfast guilt-free. Learn how to eat fewer calories, feel full, and cut cravings. Experts have put together the best food and hacks to keep you full without gaining weight.

Popcorn is a great snack for anyone looking for a high-fiber, low-calorie option. Air-popped popcorn is the best kind to choose, as it is packed with whole grains and has very little sodium. Just one cup of this type of popcorn contains only around 30 calories.

13. Edamame Will Keep You Full

Edamame is a healthy, natural snack that is not sweetened like other soy products. In 2009, research in the Journal of Nutrition found that edamame increases satiety. It supplies protein and fiber, which keeps people fuller for longer. Plus, a bit of salt is all you need for flavor.

According to registered dietitian Torey Armul, there are not many foods that are both low in calories and high in protein and fiber. Edamame is a great source of all nine amino acids, as well as healthy omega-3s. For a quick and easy snack, buy microwavable edamame with few preservatives.

12. Dark chocolate can help curb your appetite.

A medical site called Nature found that the bitterness in dark chocolate can help decrease appetite and the craving for sweets. Dark chocolate also has stearic acid, which aids in slowing digestion to make people feel full. Even smelling this food has the possibility of producing the same effect.

The cocoa bean is the seed of the cocoa tree and is one of the best antioxidant sources in the world. Various studies have found that dark chocolate has the capability of improving blood flow, lowering blood pressure, and preventing heart disease.

11. Soup It Up!

While liquids may not stave off hunger, both liquids and solids can help you feel full. Soups are the perfect example. A study in the journal Appetite concluded that soups are more filling than all-solid meals. Participants who ate soup consumed 20% fewer calories by the end of their dinner.

Soup is so filling because it stretches your stomach more than other meals, according to the BBC. This suppresses the hormone ghrelin, which tells your body to eat less. As a result, you feel fuller for longer.

10. Keep apples and bananas on hand for a healthy snack

There’s no need to feel sluggish in the afternoon when there are so many great snacks that can give you a boost of energy. Just be sure to choose wisely and opt for foods like apples or bananas that are packed with nutrients like fiber and potassium. Not to mention, they’ll be more convenient if you have them close by.

When people are craving something unhealthy, they will usually go for whatever is most accessible, according to a medical journal called Appetite. However, you can fill up without the guilt and extra calories by getting rid of unhealthy options and surrounding yourself with nutritious ones.

9. Try kale chips as a healthy alternative to traditional chips

Kale chips are a delicious and nutritious alternative to potato chips. Made from kale that has been dried in an oven, they are crunchy and satisfying. Kale is a nutrient-rich superfood that is low in calories and high in water content, making it an excellent choice for those trying to lose weight.

Registered dietitian Jaclyn London says that kale alone cannot make people drop weight. However, kale can boost metabolism, and the chips are far healthier than the alternatives. Drizzle kale with salt and olive oil, and bake it in the oven for a delicious and healthy snack!

8. Although they have low protein, bananas can help fill you up.

A popular health myth suggests that bananas cause weight gain, but that is inaccurate. Harvard Health reports that three cohort studies found bananas to be associated with lower weight. Although bananas have more calories than other fruits, they also provide plenty of fiber and nutrients that can help with weight loss.

Bananas are the perfect snack for when you’re not too hungry but need something to tide you over. According to Penn Medicine, bananas are filling because they digest slowly, which helps you feel satisfied for longer. Even though they don’t have a lot of protein, bananas are still a filling snack option.

7. How To Pick The Right Trail Mix

Trail mix is the perfect way to curb your sugar and salt cravings while also enjoying a delicious and nutritious snack. This weight-loss friendly mix typically combines nuts, dried fruit, and a sweet treat like chocolate. So if you’re looking for a snack that will satisfy your sweet tooth and help you reach your weight-loss goals, grab a bag of trail mix!

Amy Keating, a Consumer Reports registered dietitian, recommends choosing a trail mix with mostly fruit and nuts. She advises avoiding mixes with M&Ms and yogurt-covered raisins, which can contribute to weight gain. Instead, Keating suggests looking for a mix with dark chocolate.

6. Make It Spicy

Capsaicin, the ingredient that makes peppers spicy, may help with weight management by boosting metabolism, according to researchers. A study in the British Journal of Nutrition found that capsaicin helps people feel less hungry and eat fewer calories.

Capsaicin, the compound that gives chili peppers their spice, may actually help with weight management, rather than weight loss. However, physician Spencer Nadolsky does not advise taking capsaicin as a supplement, as too much can have side effects. If you’re a fan of spicy foods, though, eating more could benefit you.

5. Increase Your Egg Intake

Eggs have been demonized by some health articles for their high cholesterol count. But eggs can actually fit into a healthy diet, and studies suggest that they can help you lose weight. The amino acids and protein found mainly in the yolk are responsible for these benefits.

Eggs are often thought of as being unhealthy, but a 2008 study in the International Journal of Obesity found that they can actually be quite beneficial. Participants who ate eggs for breakfast felt more full throughout the day and ate fewer calories overall. Egg-eaters also had a lower BMI than the bagel-eating group. So there’s no need to fear eggs after all!

4. Make Chia Seed Pudding

Chia seeds are an excellent source of fiber, with two teaspoons providing 40% of your recommended daily intake. Fiber is essential for weight loss, as it helps to reduce appetite and shrink fat cells. A 2009 study in Nutrition Research found that chia seeds can also help to lower blood pressure in overweight adults.

How can you eat chia seeds as a snack? Create chia pudding! Since chia seeds rapidly absorb water, you only need to add a liquid and let them soak. Combine the seeds with milk, yogurt, water, or juice, and add healthy toppings such as fruit and nuts.

3. How Avocado Lowers Appetite

The avocado is a nutrient-dense fruit that is high in fiber and healthy fats. These nutrients can help to reduce appetite and promote satiety. In a 2013 study, participants who ate avocado before lunch had a 40% lower desire to eat afterward. This suggests that incorporating avocado into your diet may help to control hunger and promote weight loss.

Eating avocado can help you not only lose weight, but also improve your overall health! In a 2013 survey, it was discovered that people who regularly ate avocado had a significantly lower risk of developing metabolic syndrome. So next time you’re looking for a healthy snack, reach for some avocado toast!

2. Add-In Some Ginger

One of the healthiest foods is ginger. Ginger can reduce nausea, ease muscle pain, and regulate inflammation and blood sugar. A study published in PubMed Central found that ginger has been linked to hunger-reduction. The study had people consume ginger powder diluted in water every morning and those who ingested the powder were less hungry throughout the day.

Gingerols and shogaols are compounds found in ginger that have been shown to stimulate parts of the body, reduce oxidative stress, and aid in weight loss. By stabilizing blood sugar levels, these compounds can help with weight loss and keeping you feeling fuller for longer.

1. Pack On The Protein

Protein is a muscle-building fuel that should be part of practically everyone’s diet. It raises the levels of peptides and synthesized amino acids in the stomach to send signals to your brain telling you that you’re full. Foods with protein should make up about 20 to 30 percent of your total calorie intake for the day.

Proteins are essential for human health – they help to build and repair tissues, enzymes, hormones, and other body chemicals. They also play a vital role in the growth and development of bones, cartilage, skin, and blood. As a macronutrient, the body needs a regular supply of protein to function properly.