
15 Dog Breeds That Make Great Pets for Seniors and Retirees

Grandma’s old dog might be just what she needs to keep her social life interesting. The animal can help ease feelings of loneliness and establish routine, according to veterinarian Jim Dobies from UrgentVetcom! He says that owning pets is especially beneficial for those over 65 because they often experience isolation at home due in part by their lack-of mobility or physically demanding jobs like gardening which require exercise.

dog breeds retirement

Socialization benefits include meeting new people through walks around town but it’s not always easy when you live on your own now days

You don’t need to be young anymore. In fact, the perfect pet is right in front of you—and it’s not a cat! Here are some good dogs for seniors who want walks on their leash at night or couch potatoes that love snuggles during movie marathons.

French Bulldog

Just take a look at this French bulldog! He’s got the cutest face and he can make those few wrinkles on your forehead seem even more adorable than before.

This little pup weighs 16-28 pounds and was bred to be someone’s companion. The best part about these dogs? They’re food motivated! You could show him some doggy recipes together with you in the kitchen, or feed them healthy snacks like homemade dog treats so that he’ll learn how sit downs stay (or at least try). Make sure not let your pet get overweight because then their health may suffer too much–this isn’t good for anyone!.

Frenchies are a must-have in any household. They crave attention and will spend hours with their human, so it’s important to give them quality time each day!

Miniature Schnauzer

If you’re looking for the perfect pet that will keep your home full of life, then look no further than this little dog. With their captivating beard and mustache (not to mention those big eyes!), there are tons upon cute Schnauzer haircuts just waiting in storeto be tried on by yours truly! They also love nothing more than using all those vocal talents we gave them so rest assured knowing he’ll always have something new going around every day when it comes time for doorbells or friendly visits from friends over – I’m sure they won’t mind at ALL 🙂

Miniature schnauzers are the perfect pet for people who want an intelligent and active companion. They crave mental exercise, can probably even teach their new found skill of solving sudoku or crossword puzzles if you had enough patience! Arm yourself with some training treats in order to take on this world together as one big family member-minion relationship begins–you’ll be glad that you did when it comes time for company later at night because these little guys make great travel buddies thanksgiving guests won’t dare leave home without.


The Maltipoo is a perfect addition to any household. They are friendly, loving and good with children – not just their owners! These dogs will keep you company on those days where it feels like the world has turned its back on us all together or if there’s always something going wrong in life- this doggiest terrestrial animal companion offers compassion as well sorrowful eyes that remind us we’re still here too so don’t give up yet!.

While they may be content to cozy up with you, apartment dwellers should take note: Maltipoos are known as alert barkers. This means that when their owners hear something in the hallway or at door knob walking by … They’ll let them know! A perfect pet for people who aren’t used having home alone and wants company from animals rather than humans; though we must admit these little pups can sometimes sound more like children playing instead of an actual dog barking…

Pembroke Welsh Corgi

The Pembroke Welsh corgi is the perfect breed for those who want a dog that can nuzzle up beside them on their couch or catch mice. If you’re looking to adopt an active pup in need of some good company, this furry animal will not disappoint!

Corgis are adorable and make great pets, but they can be more difficult than other breeds. The good news is that exercise helps keep the weight off so you’ll have this cute pup looking even better in no time! In addition to being active inside or out all day long – becauseCorgi dogs need plenty of playtime too- these fluffy friends also tolerate cold weather well since their thick coats provide some warmth when needed most during winter months without turning into an unruly mess at least for now on accounta those double stacked jackets.

Chinese Crested

Maybe you’re retired and looking to let your eccentric side show a little more. Or maybe it’s time for an animal in the house that won’t irritate allergies? The Chinese crested dogs are no strangers when they turn heads with their unique appearance!

The Chinese crested dog might not be at the top of everyone’s list for cutest breeds, but it is still very adorable. These dogs can come in either hairless or tufts of fur called powder puff and both types look quite similar so you have plenty to choose from!

Grooming for these dogs is minimal, but they still need to be taken out andabout once in awhile. They’re not high maintenance! Just make sure you warn any grandkids who might come by that the dog doesn’t like being played with too much because she’s small – about knee high on a human scale anyway (and can usually fit through even tiny doors).

Italian Greyhound

The Italian greyhound might be our favorite breed on this list; don’t tell the others. Why? Well, they’re everything we love about dogs but in a mini version! Though their sizes are similar to other larger hounds (they aren’t actually called “mini” for nothing), these furry felines have more variety when it comes down what type of personality or appearance you can expect from them: Some may come with long hair while others will only grow theirs up past your waistband — either way there’s no wrong answer if all that matters is finding yourself

Italian greyhounds are dogs that love the company of others and will show it by being quite emotional. They make perfect companions for seniors or retirees who don’t have time to spend with them 24/7, but still want someone else in their life besides children!

Cavapoo and Cockapoo

If you’re looking for a pup that will fit in seamlessly with your family, then the cavapoo and cockapoo are two of the best breeds out there. They come from both poodle AND spaniel parents so they have all good genes! Plus these dogs can’t sheds as much hair due to their floppy ears which means cleaner floors at home–perfect if someone has allergies like I do (no offense)! The color options range from solid black or white through browns & tan – just waiting patiently by its crate door until playtime arrives.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a dog that was bred to be loved on your lap. Literally, this cutie originally came from England as an accompaniment for royalty and has not changed much over the years either! One great personality feature about these cuddly pets? They’re friendly with everyone- even total strangers – meaning you won’t have any trouble finding someone who wants take care of them every day

Taking your dog to the vet is always a joy when you have one of these pups in tow. They are so happy just being around their owners that it makes taking them for veterinary check-up or surgery much easier than most other breeds!

Golden Retriever

Retirees will love the energy, enthusiasm and loyalty that comes with owning a golden retriever. This is one breed you won’t want to miss out on if retirement has been hard on your physical health or mental state!

Golden retriever dogs are great walking companions because they need at least an hour of exercise a day. You can easily breakup this into 15- or 30 minute chunks and get some fresh air, too! They also love to swim so if you don’t want to go on your own trip around town for watersports activities with them then take him/her along when visiting friends who have pools nearby – many people do these type trips asanas together anyway since it’s such good form (and fun)!